Company Management Models CMM
The Company Management Model CMM is embedded in the company’s normative framework and embraces models
(practical model based solutions) on the strategic, tactical and operational levels.
The CMM enables a practical and perceptible continuous and sustained performance development of the organization by ensuring conceptual integrity when executing ongoing and future models and solutions.
This exemplary figure of the CMM shows examples of executed model based solutions on all business levels.
To achieve consistency in approach and synergies of knowledge, all these models have been developed and executed by using the System Dynamic SD / CPPM methodology, for more look at examples of executed applications...
More detailed description you could find in:
Book: Management Models for the future, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009 , Eds. Prof. Jonker, Prof. Eskildsen
Chapter: Innovative Models for steering organizations: A Systemic approach within the Pharmaceutical Industry
Prof. Schwaninger, Janovjak
Examples |
InSysteA's has executed a broad spectrum of projects, operational and management activities, solutions with remarkable customer benefit:
Management and operational strategies for improved business results, greater organizational performance, increased efficiency and effectiveness of processes, more robust, faster and cost efficient process development and last but not least enhanced knowledge management,...
- Business Model and Balanced Score Cards
A pharmaceutical company has decided to understand and improve their overall performance by application of the Causal Dashboard Business Model CDBBM. This model was designed to simulate the dynamic system behavior, based on the cause-and-effect relationships inherent in the business and operational processes and reflected in the company's key performance indicators. Consequently, ... for more information, please contact us.
- Organizational Design and Deployment
The key focus was on business processes oriented organizational design of globally operated technology platforms to enhance global supply chain excellence. In order to master complexity (# of processes, # of stakeholders) a cybernetics approach to organizational design was implemented. This enabled to determine the performance of the organization by ... for more information, please contact us.
- Product Life cycle Management
The purpose was to develop and deploy holistic, dynamic, quantified and risk-based Product Life Cycle Management (PLCM) to enable a pro-active management of the product portfolio performance (time to market / pipeline progress, reduction of costs and resources consumption, quality, risk, …). In order to demonstrate how to master PLCM complexity (dynamic behavior, # of products, # of resources and their allocations, # of objectives, …) a model-based product portfolio LCM–Model with user cockpit has been piloted. This PLCM-Model allows now to execute business case studies to determine... for more information, please contact us.
Supply chain & manufacturing processes
The efficient and effective pro-active optimization of the manufacturing processes performance (cycle time, inventory / WIP reduction, …) requires the capability to determine and evaluate the what-if-scenarios by considering dynamic process behavior and alternative production strategies (push/pull, …). Several executed projects demonstrate how ... for more information, please contact us. - Risk- and Model-based Process & Product Design and development
We have executed various CPPM Model based application projects in pharmaceutical sector, in particular in the solid, semisolid, transdermal, sterile and biotech area. Let’s challenge your current set up of design and development processes by application of CPPM along the product life cycle in order to achieve a consistent process and product knowledge, risk based Quality by Design, scale up and tech transfer, continuous improvement process,…and consequently to implement knowledge management... for more information, please contact us.
- Plant Layout Design and Engineering, Project management
Based on more then 30 years of broad experience with plant expansion and engineering projects, we can provide a customized support with regard to masterplan and plant concept design, as well as operation management and support you with process and technical engineering expertise. With our partners (engineering companies and general contractor) we are in the position to plan and execute complete projects.
On special demand, InSysteA's offers a service as independent project manager... for more information, please contact us.